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Windows 10 Vs Mac Os

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Featuring the detailed comparison between the two popular OS, macOS and Windows along with their features, benefits, advantages and disadvantages.

Are you confused between macOS and Windows? Then this is the perfect platform to know which operating system is the best for you.

Apple's macOS and Microsoft Windows are two of the most popular operating systems in the world of desktop computers. Windows offers versatility; macOS offers quality and efficiency. Both have some amazing features as well as some serious disadvantages! So let's have a bird-eye view on these two operating systems. Then we will proceed to the difference between the two.


macOS is a series of ‘proprietary graphical operating systems' which are developed and marketed by Apple Inc since 2001. macOS is currently the primary operating system in Apple Mac computers. In the market of laptop, desktops computers and home computers, macOS is the second most popular operating system in the world, only behind Microsoft Windows.

macOS is the second major operating systems series of Macintosh Operating Systems. The first was classic Mac OS which was released in 1984, some months before the release of Microsoft Windows.

Advantages of macOS

  1. Offers free useful productivity apps: A number of Apple-developed applications are already pre-installed in a Mac device or is available for download through Apple's App Store. Among these free apps, there are some office productivity applications like Numbers, Keynote and Pages. In the case of Microsoft, most of the essential applications, for example, Microsoft's Office Suit does not come pre-installed, and the user has to pay separately for these applications.
  2. Simple and better user interface as compared to Windows: In case of macOS, the user interface is straightforward for its user to use. Any user who has prior experience of using the iOS operating system in iPads and iPhones will find it easy to use macOS. Its applications are available for download in the App Store, and all the downloaded applications can be found in the launchpad.
  3. Dedicated features for multi-tasking: There are many multi-tasking features available for macOS users. The users can run multiple workspaces simultaneously, which is similar to operating various desktops at the same time. macOS has devices and keys specially dedicated to switching between different applications and workspaces.
  4. Software and Hardware and designed for better integrations: This is one of the best features about macOS. All the workspaces and applications run very smoothly, without any signs of hiccups or hanging. One of the primary reasons for this is that Apple designs both it's Hardware and software by itself, unlike many other companies and operating systems. In the case of Windows, Microsoft only develops the operating system and some essential applications. Other Hardware and software are generally the third parties. In the case of Apple and macOS, third party applications and Hardware are typically selected on some established criteria and undergo thorough tests and verifications for compatibility and security.
  5. Less vulnerability to malware and other security issues: The fact cannot be denied that Apple and macOS are vulnerable to Virus attacks by different hackers around the world. But, the risk is much less as compared to Microsoft Windows. Because of Windows' increased popularity across the globe, Windows users become an easy target to hackers and malware developers.
  6. Compatible with other Apple devices and Services: macOS is seamlessly compatible with other Apple devices using another operating system like iOS in iPhone and iPad. Moreover, the interface in macOS and iOS is very much similar to each other. This makes things very easy and convenient for users of macOS and iOS. Apart from the ease of use, the users can also synchronize their files and other data in iCloud and access/edit them using different Apple devices.

Disadvantages of macOS

  1. Limited availability of Applications: This is one of the most significant drawbacks of macOS. Although there are many applications of Apple available free of cost in the Apple store, the number is still considerably less as compared to Windows. In Windows, you can get almost any software free of charge. macOS is also not ideal for those who love playing video games. Another thing which is worth mentioning is that Windows devices are far more accessible than Mac Devices. And this is one of the primary reasons why the developers of different software tend to develop software keeping in mind the Windows operating system. Windows can provide you with a far larger share of the market.
  2. Difficulty in upgrading or replacing Hardware: Although this problem not so severe, it is still worth mentioning. Mac devices have limited options available to improve the Hardware. For example, CPU or RAM of a MacBook cannot be easily replaced. This is because the Hardware is deeply integrated into the whole system. This is not the case in Windows. You can replace Hardware in most of the cases without facing much trouble. Hence Windows provides a better level of upgrades and customization.
  3. Very Expensive: One cannot deny that Windows is very expensive. But this is far cheaper than Apple devices. The devices released by Apple are costly as compared to methods of any other company with similar or better specification. And it is worth noting that macOS can only run in Apple devices and the operating system is costly on its own too.
  4. Lack of options for hardcore gamers: Are you a hardcore gamer? Then macOS is undoubtedly not for you. Firstly, macOS has limited number of variety in games, and limited options to upgrade or customization of Hardware to play heavy games like Call Of Duty, FIFA, Prince of Persia. Although, top quality macOS devices may have Hardware capable of running such heavy games, the variety of heavy games available in the Apple store is close to nothing! And another thing, Windows-based devices are far less expensive with the same hardware capabilities and more variety. This is one of the reasons why macOS keeps hardcore gamers and game developers away from itself. And to be honest, macOS is not at all marketed for gamers.


Windows 10 Vs Mac Os

Microsoft Windows is commonly known as Windows. Windows is a group of ‘proprietary graphical operating system' families, and these are developed and distributed by Microsoft.

Windows was introduced by Microsoft in 1985, some month after the introduction of classic macOS. Microsft Windows was quickly able to dominate the world market for desktop computers operating system. On desktop computers, Windows is still the most popular operating system by a distance. It has around 90% share in the world market of Desktop Computer's operating system.

One thing is worth noting that both macOS and Windows have lost to Linux and in the market share of operating systems in servers, and supercomputers. In the case of a mobile phone operating system, Linux's derivative Android is leading the market share.

The most recent version of Windows is Windows 10, which was released in 2015.

Windows 10 Vs Mac Os X El Capitan

Advantages of using Windows

  1. Easy to use: Users who are familiar to the older version of Windows can still use the latest versions very comfortably. This is because ever since the release of the first version of Windows, Microsoft has not made many changes in the interface of its operating system in the later versions. This is one of the primary reasons why Windows users are often reluctant to switch their operating systems to Linux or macOS.
  2. Wide range of software availability: Since Windows has almost 90% market share in desktop computer's operating system, most of the software developing companies develop software keeping in mind the users of Windows. Hence the chances are very high that you may find any type of Windows compatible software you want. This is not the case with other famous operating systems like macOS and Linux.
  3. Support for new Hardware: Akost all the hardware manufacturing companies offer support for Windows. Suppose you have to go out to purchase particular Hardware to replace the older one, the chances are high that almost all the Hardware in the market are compatible with the latest version of Windows. Moreover, Windows also lets its users upgrade and customize the Hardware. This feature is not available with macOS.
  4. Games: If you are a hardcore gamer, then Windows is the best option for you without any doubt! Almost all famous computer games are compatible with Windows. All the renowned computer games developing companies develop games keeping in mind the users of Windows. This is because of the considerable share of the market in desktop computer operating system. At the same time, Windows also allows you to modify Hardware according to the game you want to play. Moreover, most of the gaming hardware is Windows compatible.

Disadvantages of using Windows

  1. Inadequate Security: Because of its massive popularity among desktop users across the globe, Windows has become an easy target for the developers of malware and other hackers. Another thing, it is safe to say that the in-built security system is incompetent to save its users from viruses and other malware. And thanks to this incompetence and massive vulnerability to virus attacks, people who are involved in the anti-virus industries can make millions of dollars every year! Installing an anti-virus is a must for Windows users nowadays. This is not the case with other operating systems.
  2. Additional expenses: After setting up your Windows operating system in your desktop, you may still require to splash out some cash to pay for some essential software or applications like the whole Microsoft Office Suite. Office Suite consists of Word, PowerPoint, Excel Sheet etc. Apart from that, you also have to purchase anti-virus software which is mandatory for those who use the internet regularly. This is undoubtedly not the case with macOS and Linux, where most of the applications, atleast all the essential applications are freely available.
  3. Slow Performance: This is one of the worst disadvantages of Windows. Even minimal use of the device can make it agonizingly slow for its users. Moreover, the source code is not available for its general users. Because of this, you are required to find and fix the bugs using hit and trial methods, which is not always right. In the case of Apple macOS, the performance rarely goes down because of speed. This is because Apple gives particular emphasis on integrating its software and Hardware to make the speed better.

Difference between macOS and Windows

macOS based devices are generally less vulnerable to security issues like virus threat and hacking. This is usually because of the small market share of Apple macOS and massive domination of Windows computers. Also, the in-built defence system of Apple is comparatively better than Windows.Windows PCs are far more vulnerable to security issues as compared to macOS. This is of the large market share of Windows and incompetent defence system of Windows. Windows users are required to use anti-virus software.
Most of the essential applications in macOS devices are available free of cost. The users can download and install these devices from the Apple Store.Most of the essential applications are not free. And you are required to splash out a lot of cash for these applications. Such primary applications include Office Suite and anti-virus.
macOS is not a good option for gamers. First of all the general macOS devices don't have compatible Hardware for heavy games like Call Of Duty and Prince of Persia. And second, a large number of famous games do not run in macOS. This is because macOS does not have right enough market share.Windows is the best operating system when it comes to gaming. All the famous vide game developing companies develop video games keeping in mind the users of Windows because of its market dominance. At the same time, Windows allows it's users to upgrade the system hardware to make them compatible for certain video games.
macOS only runs on Apple devices, and we all know Apple devices are extremely costly.Windows can run on the Hardware of any other company. And the cost of these devices is far less as compared to Apple devices with the same specification.
macOS devices are generally designed to run smoothly. The users rarely experience hiccups while working. Disk defragmentation is usually not required.This is the most frustrating thing about Windows. The Windows devices generally get slow, even with minimal use. Disk defragmentation is usually very important.
Because of security and performance-related issues, Apple does not include too many third-party applications. Because of this, there is less variety of software available to its users.Almost all the major software developing companies develop software, especially for Windows. The chances are high that any practically any type of software you want is compatible with Windows.
Repair costs of macOS based devices are too high.The repair cost of Windows-based devices is relatively less.

Well, now I hope you can clearly decide which operating system is the best for you. If you want quality and are ready to splash the cash, then Apple macOS is the best choice for you. If you are looking for a pocket-friendly operating system with a wide range of software and games availability, then I advise you to go for Windows.

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'Macs are more secure than Windows' is a common statement heard by consumers, but we all know that a lie believed by a million people is still a lie. Does that mean Macs aren't secure? We dig deep into the facts and expert opinions to find the important truth.

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This brings us back to our home computers and our original question: when it comes to the two main computers most people use, which is safer, a Mac or a PC?

Let's Define the Problem

Windows 10 Vs Mac Os 11

First of all, when we talk about security breaches, we should be clear on what we're discussing. In a Mac vs. PC showdown, what we're comparing is Apple's operating system (OS X) to Microsoft's (Windows).

Linux, the third most popular PC operating system, is a great system but it's a very distant third. Together, Windows and OS X dominate. The other thing that's important to know is that, in the OSX vs. Windows debate, Windows has the lion share of the game.

Mac, despite its huge popularity, only has a small percent of the market share. This brings us to an interesting point: if Macs are much less popular than Microsofts, why are they such a pivotal part of this conversation?

Let's Take a Walk Down Memory Lane

To answer that, and to discover the source of the 'Macs are secure' idea, we need to look back to some of Apple's first Mac vs. PC ads, nearly a decade ago. In hilarious and brilliant Get a Mac campaign, Apple laid out the benefits of a Mac, including the 'fact' that they were less likely to be infected with a virus than a Microsoft PC.

While this wasn't the whole truth, it sparked the idea in hundreds of thousands of people's minds, and a legend was born.

The fact is that Macs are not indestructible; they can, in fact, be infected with both viruses and malware. Recently, for example, the OXW/Pinhead-B trojan was discovered monitoring browsers without the knowledge of Mac users. What's worse is that it could take screenshots of your internet activity, monitor your files, send email from your account, and more.

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

Also, it's not uncommon for vulnerability analyses performed on both the Mac OS X and the Microsoft Windows OS to find similar issues. Sometimes, hackers even find more vulnerabilities in the Apple than they do in the much more popular Windows!

While it's completely untrue, then, to say that Macs are not impervious to attack, why do so many people feel so safe? It's not uncommon for Mac users to go without installing security software; why does this false attitude persist?

Part of the reason for Macs' sense of security is that, traditionally, there have not been as many bad players aimed at Macs. Because there are so many more Windows PCs, most attacks have been built and designed for those.

Of course, there are those computer experts who have found Macs more difficult to exploit. For malware to make a breach and cause damage, it has to be able to attack a vulnerability, and many feel that, on a surface level, Apples require the more complicated breaching protocol.

False Security

That should not, however, continue to lull consumers into a false sense of security. As Apples become more and more of an incentive for hackers, Mac users might be in more danger than Windows users, simply because they've taken so few precautions.

Unfortunately, it boils down to simply psychology: it doesn't matter how great your security system is. If it's not armed, attackers can get in and steal everything, which is exactly what might happen with a Mac if an Apple OSX user doesn't exercise caution.

The Other Side

We'd be remiss if we didn't also share the flip side of the argument, which is that Macs simply don't pose an attractive enough threat to hackers. Since the vast majority of computers are running on Windows and hackers seem to want to create the most damage possible, Macs aren't an opportunity like their more common counterparts.

It's fairly common, in fact, to find somebody talking about how they've owned a Mac for over a decade that's never had a security attack.

Plus, most attacks on Macs to date have been Trojans, which take advantage of a weakness in the end-user, not the computer, itself. A trojan works by disguising itself as something helpful; when the user clicks and installs it, it embeds itself and becomes very difficult to get rid of, and sometimes impossible to detect.

Windows 10 Vs Mac Os X El Capitan

Lock Those Doors

Finally, the Mac OSX has some built-in security features that Windows computers don't have. For example, Macs are Unix-based, a system that's been likened to a series of fire doors, making the fire–or, the virus–less able to spread.

In some of the most recent versions, Apple has included what it calls a GateKeeper, which prevents Macs from downloading or installing any app or software that isn't Apple-approved. It also comes preloaded now with Java and Flash plugins. Since these are often the bearers of Trojans for Macs, eliminating the need for downloading them eliminates a huge risk of infection.

Can We Be Safe?

What's the bottom line for you, as you're deciding between a Mac OSX and a Windows? Ultimately, the responsibility for protecting yourself is in your own hands. Frankly, while you might be less likely to encounter an attack with a Mac, it's wise to prepare for one no matter what operating system you're running.

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Do your research and find a high-quality virus and malware protector for your computer. That's the best way to protect yourself.

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